森林隐藏成就有哪些 forest隐藏成就介绍

1、Bad father 活100天不去找儿子,简单点说就是活100天不通关,但是打完BOSS后选择第二结局也是可以触发这个成就的(第二结局就是不摧毁飞机,永久生活在岛上的那个成就)。做这个成就非常...

At a time of crisis, what we should instead be looking for is a sense of sacrifice, a commitment to civic duty, for that is exactly what united the Chinese people and the g...

haystack是干草堆的意思,在草堆里找针(needle),不就是大海捞针嘛! Looking for my key in the mess of the desk is like finding a needle in a haystack. 在杂乱的书桌上找我的钥匙就...

differentiate between A and B. 介词between表示在A和B之间 , 原文含义为:“4个月大的孩子可以区分出一个可信的人和一个不诚实的人”。 14、【答案】[C] introduced 【解析】此处考察成分搭配。原文表达: Sixty toddlers were each___ to an adult tester holding a ...

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